Lynette Breedlove, Ph.D.

  • Presenter: Dr. Lynette Breedlove, Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Lynette Breedlove
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment, Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 3

    Do you know if your gifted students are being challenged enough in the classroom? Teachers of gifted students need to take special care to make sure that they are creating an environment where their students can thrive. In this course, educators will gain an in-depth knowledge about gifted students and how to make their classroom a place where gifted students are equipped for success. Come and discover the definition of giftedness, differentiated strategies for gifted students, and more in this 3-hour series.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

    Add to Cart or Click Here for District Pricing

  • Presenter: Lynette Breedlove, Ph.D.
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary, Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Gifted characters in many popular books and movies are quirky, intelligent, and perfectionistic. Helping gifted students manage their intense feelings in real life, however, can be more difficult. Thankfully, there are strategies that educators and parents can use to help gifted students thrive. Discover how to support and empower gifted students with intense feelings.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

    Add to Cart or Click Here for District Pricing

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