Assessing GT Strategies – An Administrator’s Guide

Assessing GT Strategies – An Administrator’s Guide


Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
Core Area: Creativity and Instructional Strategies|Differentiated Curriculum
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

How do you evaluate G/T strategies in the classroom when none of your instruments are designed for them? Discover user-friendly ways to get a clearer picture the next time you assess gifted strategies in the classroom.

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Do you ever feel like you’re behind the 8-ball when you do a walk-through, or hold a traditional assessment instrument up against a gifted classroom? That doesn’t have to be the case when you have tools specific to assessing gifted classes. Lisa Van Gemert uses her experience evaluating G/T strategies in the classroom to offer a fresh look at assessments. 

In this 1-hour course, you will learn to:

  • Empower teachers to grow in their strengths
  • Discern the difference between good goals and ambiguous goals
  • Look past personal preferences to give effective assessments
  • Use language that fosters healthy relationships with teachers

Lisa Van Gemert shares best practices in education with audiences around the world using a combination of neuropsychology, pedagogy, experience, humor, technology and sheer fun. She is an expert consult to television shows including Lifetime’s “Child Genius,” and a writer of award-winning lesson plans, as well as numerous published articles on social psychology and pedagogy and the book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough. A former teacher, school administrator, and Youth & Education Ambassador for Mensa, she shares resources for educators and parents on her website and is co-founder with Ian Byrd of the Gifted Guild, a professional community for educators of the gifted. Lisa and her husband Steve are the parents of three sons and live in Arlington, Texas. 

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